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Breathwork for Wellbeing & Performance

The Power of Breathwork

1. It provides fast relief from Stress - Conscious breathing could be one of the fastest ways to combat the stress of everyday life.

2. It trains us to breathe slower and deeper, which can lower blood pressure. Practicing breathwork to music for 10 mins a day is an effective, non-pharmacological way to reduce blood pressure.

3. It can reduce symptoms of depression when paired with other treatment.

4. It paves the way for sharper focus - a natural chemical messenger that affects attention and certain emotions in our brain and ultimately enhance concentration and focus.


5. It can help with pain management - slow, deep breathing could reduce the perception of chronic pain.


Understanding & Fundamentals

1. Breath Awareness (passive): Close attention to your breath as it comes and goes by itself, witness it! Meditative awareness! No judgement or thinking! A state of presence. (body scan, mind, tensions, inner dialog …..)

2. Conscious Breathing (active): Doing the breathing! You control the breathing in a particular way. A specific pattern! You breathe the breath!

Deep Breathing

Deep Breathing training can have many advantages; improved strength and endurance in your respiratory muscles.

This adaptation to training also reduces fatigue in these muscles, improving your response to high-intensity exercise.


Deep breathing is a 3-part technique that is often one of the first breathing techniques taught; it involves breathing with a focus on the diaphragm, ribcage and upper chest.

To begin this method, breathe in slowly through the nose. One inhale will be 8 seconds, consisting of the first 4 seconds breathing into the belly, followed by 2 seconds of expanding your ribs outward, with a final 2 seconds of lifting your upper chest and shoulders.

After holding the breath for a few seconds, reverse the process and breathe out through the mouth of the upper chest first, followed by the ribs, then finishing with the belly.


“I came across Dai on a podcast and was captivated by his insight on teaching Generation Z in his school role and on the techniques, he has been using to develop the emotional intelligence of the students and adults he was working with. I got in touch and Dai came to St Albans and ran a practical workshop for my department on implementation of breathing techniques in the classroom and on the sports field to heighten self-awareness, how we connect with our students (Power of Circles) and breathwork to energise or calm the participants. It was a powerful & thought-provoking session that impacted how we
focused on our emotional engagement of and with our students.


In September Dai joined our Teaching & Learning seminar remotely to share his insight on teaching GenZ children. He presented lots of practical detail on the behaviours and mindsets of this demographic & suggested some solutions and ideas for how to empathise and engage with them in the school environment. Dai made us all think & reflect and consequently it was a powerful session that moved our focus on teaching & learning forward.”


Martin Langston (St Albans School Director of Sport; Head of Academic P.E.; Head of Hockey)

Image by madison lavern

Power Breathing

This technique uses powerful, fast-paced breathing patterns to influence your physical, mental and emotional state.

Combining it with breath-holding is an effective way to influence your parasympathetic nervous system to lower the release of the stress hormone cortisol.


One example of a power breathing routine rapid 3-part breath in through nose followed by a full breath out through the mouth, repeat 20 times, 3 rounds. On last exhale of each round hold breath 45 secs, 60 sec and 75 secs respectively.

This is a more advanced breathing technique, and you should try one round on first attempt and build up to 3 rounds. You may experience tingling and light headedness headedness – this is perfectly normal as you oxygenise the body.

Box Breathing

Box Breathing is technique that is useful for reducing anxiety, slowing the heart rate and restoring calm.

This exercise involves breathing in through the nose for 4 seconds, holding the inspiration in for 4 seconds, breathing out through the nose for 4 seconds, and holding the expiration out for 4 seconds.

Continue for up to 5 minutes.


Coherent Breathing

A simple and relaxing breath to centre and destress. Breathing in and out through the nose with the mouth closed.

5/6 seconds in hale and repeat on exhale. Counting the seconds and establish a rhythm.

Inhale the minimum breath to establish a rhythm – find your “edge” to help increase the efficiency of your breathing cycle in everyday activities.

Breathe of Fire

The final technique is a quick and intense method that can release toxins from the lungs, increase endurance, strengthen the nervous system, and increase energy. It can be performed in a comfortable sitting position or lying down.

To practice breath of fire, perform a few deep breaths withholds to warm up. Then, perform 3 rounds of fast, shallow 'panting'; through the nose for 30 seconds.

Between rounds, take several deep breaths through the mouth.

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